Discovery space for the practical application of information technologies and the Smart City approach
Granted by “Ciudadanos al Dia” – CAD, in Internal Management Systems category.
Entendemos Smart City como un estado situacional en relación a los servicios a la Ciudad y el monitoreo de los mismos, mediante la cual, la Ciudad hace uso de todos los recursos que el día de hoy proporcionan las tecnologías de Información.
Este monitoreo debe estar basado en Indicadores, que marcan rangos de eficiencia que los funcionarios deben tener como meta permanente.
We understand that a Smart City is a situational state in relation to City services and their monitoring, through which the City makes use of all the resources that information technologies provide today.
This monitoring must be based on indicators, which mark efficiency ranges that officials must have as a permanent goal.
“The long-awaited Intelligent Management is achieved by fully automating the data collection processes from each of the urban services that the City supports through the actions of Line Management actions, video cameras, sensors, drones, satellite images , are precisely instruments that are positioned on the front lines of this type of Management approach, so that the data flows from the places where urban services are deployed to the Decision-Making Centers almost in real time”.
In the last five years, it is clear that the City’s information management scenario has been highly impacted by technological innovations per se.
Among the factors with the greatest impact is the overwhelming advance of the Internet, which provides ubiquitous content in seconds as soon as it is published. In this context, information technologies are the protagonists of a large part of these innovations, with cellular devices as a massive use tool , whose functionalities today go beyond the function of calls but also to serve as identifier of the dynamics of populations in general, due to the incorporation of a GPS device up to 5 m. error in determining the location of every citizen. This massive data generated, since the position is continuously recorded 24 hours a day, is called BIG DATA in the computer community, whose applications range from Geomarketing to calculation of mobility flows in all its multimodalities like pedestrian, automotive, maritime, etc. Which, in turn, allows refining the diagnostic models for the location of clients, users of public recreation spaces, automobile transit routes, subway lines, as well as centers that attract criminal actions.
In relation to spatial mathematical models linked to the treatment of this information of the City, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out, which allows, among other applications, arrive to “predictions world”, where the previously described “characterization models” become “predictive models” with a high degree of precision.
Another additional data collection device, but in this case data in the form of images, are devices whose colloquial name is “DRON” (technically called UAV devices = Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), which allows, by the use of high-resolution cameras, that allow surveillance work and even face recognition through artificial intelligence or 3D modeling, of urban areas modeling all type homes , even in times of severe contagion due to a pandemic, served to carry out preliminary field recognition of urban interventions in vulnerable areas.
The technological innovations described above have been directly impacting the City’s Urban Planning processes in recent years, as well as its complicated operation.
The desired Intelligent Management is achieved by fully automating the data collection processes from each of the urban services that the City supports through the actions of Line Management, video cameras, sensors, drones, satellite images, They are precisely instruments that are positioned on the front lines of this type of Management approach. So that the data flows from the places where the urban services are deployed to the Decision Making Centers almost in real time. A practical example in Lima is the so-called intelligent traffic lights, which detect the intensity of traffic flow and manage the alternating period of time between red, yellow and green lights, obtaining optimized vehicular traffic flows, especially at peak hours. A side effect of smart management is minimizing political or social pressures based on speculation or particular interests and making decisions based on factual evidence based on data, placed in the hands of officials precisely through the use of Urban Data Sciences.
The main objective of this BLOG is to analyze the relevance and real viability of the implementation of this type of Smart tools in our country, as well as in other Latin American countries. Through the analysis of technological, regulatory and human resource limitations that must be overcome for its use, that is, proposing multiple roadmaps for this purpose. User cases will also be shared, from the author’s experience leading the General Office of Technical Information of the Metropolitan Planning Institute for almost 3 and a half years, which allowed the IMP to achieve the National Award for Good Practices in Management 2022, at the Internal Management Systems category.
Finally, waiting for your comments and the generation of dialogues that allow the constructive exchange of ideas, in order to refine the quality of the shared concepts.